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Want loyalty? Help clients with caregiving

From InvestmentNews
Added on May 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Financial advisers who can help clients with the overwhelming job of caregiving will create tremendous loyalty, a client and "semi-professional patient" told advisers at the NAPFA conference in Salt Lake City on Thursday.

9 Smartest Things Heard at NAPFA

From Financial Planning
Added on May 2014 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: Planners gathered in Salt Lake City last week for NAPFA's annual spring conference, hearing the latest thinking on behavioral finance, student debt, practice management and more. Here are a few of the smartest things that Financial Planning's staff and contributors heard at the conference.

23 Tips for Selling a Solo Practice

From Financial Planning
Added on May 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Nancy Nelson never planned on selling her practice. "I thought my clients would gradually die, I wouldn't take their kids and my practice would just go down and down," the Olympia, Wash., planner told a crowded room at NAPFA's annual conference. Two things changed Nelson's thinking, she told listeners during a panel on selling a solo firm: She watched a friend sell her solo practice for a lot of money. Then, practically overnight, she wanted out herself.

How Efficient Are You? 4 Questions to Ask

From Financial Planning
Added on May 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Everyone wants an efficient practice. But what most advisors really love is meeting with clients and pursuing business development activities -- not managing the day-to-day operations of the firm.You may want an efficient organization, but you must be willing to take the necessary steps to attain and sustain it. Start by getting a baseline reading of your firm's efficiency. To do so, answer these four questions.

4 reasons not to launch your own hybrid RIA

From InvestmentNews
Added on May 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Those of us who have been in the independent financial advisory space for some time should feel vindicated when we look at our industry today. Liberated from having to push proprietary products or make top-down sales quotas, independent advisers objectively offer the widest possible universe of financial solutions and services based on their clients' best interests.

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