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How I'm Setting Up Generation Alpha for Financial Success

Added on April 2024 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Generation Alpha–born from the early 2010s to the mid-2020s–will be the largest and most connected generation in history. Plus, their economic footprint is expected to wield as much spending power as Millennials and Gen Z combined, by the year 2029.


There's a New 'Middle Market' in RIA M&A

Added on March 2024 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The registered investment advisor market hit an inflection point for mergers and acquisitions in 2023, as the largest RIA platforms got even bigger, with some approaching $500 billion in assets and many bringing on outside capital to accelerate organic and inorganic growth. The industry “saw the shift from a gold rush mentality to an institutional arms race,” according to a new report from management consulting and transaction advisory firm Advisor Growth Strategies. 

The intricacies of integrating RIAs

Added on March 2024 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Dave Welling, Mercer Advisors’ CEO, says the key to succeeding at RIA M&A is what happens after the deal has been struck.

8 Ways to Blow a Good M&A Deal

Added on March 2024 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Mergers and acquisitions are a key part of many fast-growing advisory firms’ strategies, with deals big and small getting a lot of attention from researchers, commentators and journalists alike.

The Trends Driving 2024 RIA Dealmaking, in 5 Charts

Added on February 2024 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The volume of RIA mergers and acquisitions dropped last year after a decade of robust acceleration, DeVoe & Co. notes in a new survey.

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