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Advice Firms Find Residency Programs a Staffing Boon

Added on June 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Taking their cue from the medical field, advisors are turning to residency programs to help bring new blood into an aging workforce. Instead of recruiting young professionals with a couple of years’ experience selling insurance or mutual funds, firms are hiring total rookies and giving them on-the-job training.

Advisors need to leverage interns

Added on June 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:Practice-management literature directs financial advisors to leverage their time more effectively through the use of interns and/or the hiring of younger planners.However, it seldom provides advice on the process of finding the next generation of financial advisors. The challenge is always where to find good candidates, how to keep a talented young advisor busy with productive work, or why clients might be interested in a firm's hiring processes. 

The Myths and Realities of Succession Planning For Small Businesses

Added on June 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When successful business owners reach a certain age, it becomes imperative that they address the issue of succession planning.  Many of them may have been dodging this particular conversation for years, yet they often come to their advisors with seemingly ironclad convictions about how they’d like the succession to play out.

Advisors Shift Focus to Next-Gen Clients

Added on May 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: When new prospects comes into Chicago planning firm RMB Capital Management, a team is assigned right away to review family issues such as estate planning and life insurance.That's because generational wealth transfer issues are so critical for both clients and advisors, says CEO Richard Burridge, that advisors should begin such discussions early.

How to Fix Your Incentive Pay

Added on May 2014 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: A majority of employees at advisory firms — both professional and nonprofessional — now receive a combination of base salary and incentive pay, industry studies find. But firms don’t seem to be satisfied with their pay packages and, at my consulting firm, the most highly requested engagement is for designing (or, more commonly, redesigning) incentive compensation.

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