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SEC Ad Rule Revamp Is a Game Changer

Added on November 2019 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Advisors, industry officials and compliance pros are hailing the Securities and Exchange Commission’s plan to modernize its outdated 50-year-old Advertising Rule as a game changer for the industry, with some arguing that the proposed changes are poised to put the advisory profession on equal footing with others.

Inexpensive Technology That Can Transform Your Practice

Added on October 2019 in Form an RIA
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Start Here to Improve Your Practice

Added on October 2019 in Form an RIA
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Summary: I mention this because many advisory firms assemble their tech stack in a similar way — by adding one piece at a time instead of building a comprehensive plan of compatible software.

VoicesThe miseducation of the millennial financial advisor

Added on October 2019 in Form an RIA
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Summary: I began my career as a financial advisor in my mid-20s shortly after the dot-com crash. My six-month, classroom-based training program was composed of some of the most talented, credentialed and ambitious people I’ve ever encountered. Yet after two years, only 10% of the class had brought in enough assets to hit their revenue targets.

Are You Living a Success Mindset?

Added on October 2019 in Form an RIA
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Summary: What would you think if I told you the majority of financial advisors in your area, your alleged competitors, are not real competition at all?

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