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There Is No Perfect CRM

Added on October 2023 in Manage Your Practice
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SummaryDuring most of my 19 years here, we were using Junxure. About three years ago, we began transitioning to Salesforce. Three years in technology time mixed with COVID does not feel that long. Salesforce still feels very new and fresh to us. It’s a work in progress.


7 Things to Say When Your Prospect Already Has an Advisor

Added on October 2023 in Manage Your Practice
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SummaryYou might be chatting on the commuter train with a friend, talking with someone over drinks or have been introduced to a person who said: “I already have an advisor.”


Create Successful Connections Using Client Personas

Added on October 2023 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: [ebook] Connecting with your clients through personalized marketing can lead to stronger professional relationships. Not only will you attract the type of clients you want to serve, but you’ll also build trust with them as an advisor who truly understands their needs.


Tsunami of new rules bears down on advisors

Added on August 2023 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Many investment advisors broke out in a cold sweat when the SEC announced in May 2021 that the landmark marketing rule the agency had approved the previous December would go into force on Nov. 4, 2022. 

Three Strategies to Keep the Next Generation of Clients

Added on August 2023 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: The financial advisor job is more than just crunching numbers. It’s about understanding individual goals and needs, building a relationship based on values, and offering sound advice tailored to each client’s unique circumstances.

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