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Can Advisors Actually Measure Success?

Added on November 2013 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: Practice management experts frequently seem to be urging you to create a scalable enterprise, acquire professional management and develop clear metrics that will help you make better operational decisions. It appears that the profession is going through a phase where thousands of practices are taking this advice to heart, becoming businesses either through mergers of equals, acquisitions of firms of retiring advisors, or hiring key employees and turning them into partners.

Want to keep the inheritance in-house? Try a different approach

Added on November 2013 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: Financial advisers who want to keep managing the wealth their clients' children will inherit should be approaching those kids very differently than the way they appeal to their parents, a generational expert told advisers.Generation X, 34 to 48, and Millennials, also called Gen Y, who are 13 to 33, want an adviser who will teach them but not "tell them" what to do.

New FidelityŽ Research Shows That Two-Thirds of Advisors Don't Have Succession Plans in Place

Added on November 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services, a division of Fidelity Investments®, today unveiled new research from the 2013 Fidelity RIA Benchmarking Study that found two-thirds of participating firms (67 percent) reported they don’t have a succession plan ready for implementation

Advisors: How to Train New Hires

Added on November 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Most firms subject new hires to trial by fire.  As a result, many say they experience disorder, lack of clarity, and confusion. Very few firms, even the best, engage in thoughtful training. This suggests that advisors can do better when it comes to preparing team members to succeed. Considering the time and thought required to design, develop and deploy formalized training programs, it’s no surprise that the advisory profession doesn’t have a mature training model. Here are some ways to help new hires thrive.

Align Staff Incentive Pay With Realistic Goals

Added on November 2013 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: That year-end bonus no longer motivating staffers as it once did? Maybe it’s time to revamp the compensation model, an Advisor Perspectives blog suggests.The blog acknowledges decades’ worth of research showing that employees find motivation in things other than compensation — “achievement, recognition, work that’s challenging and fulfilling, autonomy, and the opportunity to learn and progress,” for example.


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