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Cerulli Delivers Tough Message for IBDs on Recruitment, Market Share

Added on October 2013 in Join an RIA
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Summary: A presentation by Cerulli Associates’ Tyler Cloherty and Patrick Newcomb at the FSI One Voice Conference in San Diego focused on trends impacting the IBD space, specifically recruitment and market share, both of which IBDs are losing.

What must a succession plan entail?

Added on October 2013 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Rebecca Pomering, chief executive of Moss Adams Wealth Advisors LLC, helped somewhere between dozens and hundreds of advisory firms develop succession plans during her 11 years as a management consultant for Moss Adams LLP. Now she heads up the firm's strategic-planning and growth objectives. Her firm doesn't have a succession plan document, but its six partners all have identified successors whom they continually train and develop, Ms. Pomering said.

Evolution of Value Creation

Added on October 2013 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Business-planning challenges such as succession planning, gaining scale and maintaining growth may not be acute today; however, if advisors choose not to plan for their future, they may fall into the land of unintended consequences, including degradation of firm value, limited growth, an aging client base and limited choices/control about the future of their business.

Finally a Simple Succession Planning Solution to Help Advisors Care for Loved Ones and Clients

Added on October 2013 in Plan for the Future
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Summary: Much has been written lately about the aging of individuals who own RIA firms and the lack of succession planning that has been done by this group. Now sensitive to the problem, we are not only realizing how important the solution is for the future success of the firm, but also how difficult it can be not just for large firms like our own, but even more so for smaller firms with fewer options. 

What happened when Fidelity Investments called 25 deal-making protagonists to its Boston sanctum for a talk about the suboptimal RIA M&A market

Added on October 2013 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services recently held the inaugural M&A Idea Exchange as part of their expanding mergers-and-acquisitions and consulting program for advisory firms. The sole purpose of the gathering was to discuss the state of M&A and how to better support the industry’s growth through M&A.

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